I typically struggle with Spanish-speaking countries. I’ve visited several (Mexico, Dominican
Republic, Guatemala, El Salvador), but I never fall in love with them. I wrestle with the culture and my lack of
Spanish and the oldness of everything… I
don’t really like old things!
However, much to my surprise, I love it here. The beauty of this place has captured my
heart, and I am completely charmed by the blend of quaint and classy that I
see. I cannot stop staring at the
largeness of the mountains and the way that the homes and buildings fill up
every imaginable space.

Today, our host and I visited the ministry sites that my
team will work at in the week ahead. We’ve begun to meet the people, and I’ve received more hugs and kisses
than I can count. In fact, the head of
the children’s center had to pull me aside and explain the proper way to greet
people. Apparently my hugs were not
strong enough and I forgot to kiss one of the children. Sweet, sweet people here!
I’ve been traveling all summer, and there are many stories
yet to be told from my times in Chicago, Appalachia and Pennsylvania. I promise they’re coming, but you may have to
wait just a little while longer to hear them.
That said, I’m completely in awe of all that the Lord has
done, and the fruit that I’ve seen in ministry. God is speaking clearly and frequently, and lives are being changed
forever. It’s amazing. HE is amazing!
Jesus has completely captivated my heart once again, and the
way I feel on the outside about Ecuador is just a tiny taste of what I’m
experiencing on the inside as I follow Jesus each and every day.