This morning, we toured one of the state-run orphanages and then had an opportunity to spend time doing crafts with a few of the girls there. Some of the girls’ stories are heart breaking…
Salomon and I (Hanna) made Gospel bead bracelets and necklaces with three girls (ages 15,15 and 16). One of the girls had lived with a boyfriend for a year and a half and then come to the orphanage because he abused her and she had nowhere else to go. She soon hopes to reunite with her mother.
Another girl made some bad life choices (she describes herself as a “wild child”) and got in trouble with the law. They sent her to the orphanage for two months to give her a chance to change. Recently, she accepted Christ and has repented of her crazy lifestyle. In December, she will return to her family, and she plans to become involved in church.
The third girl’s story really broke my heart. Her parents divorced, and she had been living with her father. He abused her, and her mother attempted to regain custody of her. When the girl’s father found out, he hired someone to kill her mother. The attempt failed, but the mother suffered serious injuries to one arm and leg. Right now, the dad is in jail, the mother is in the hospital, and this girl is at the orphanage hoping for things to get better…
After spending time with these girls, we met back up with Casey and Oscar, who had painted sun catchers with a larger group of kids. We then went to the special needs section of the orphanage and helped to feed the children lunch. Many of these kids are wheelchair bound and very under-stimulated. A physical therapist comes twice a week, but these kids really need constant attention and no one is there to help.
The Kneppers are praying about making this orphanage a regularly scheduled spot on their monthly ministry schedule. Pray that they will build lasting relationships with the girls at the orphanage and be able to train them up in the ways of the Lord-the only true way to change their life circumstances.
Sorry there are no pictures allowed at the orphanage, but here are some from our arrival at the Kneppers tonight:
- Rachel Knepper’s New Avocado Tree
- Casey with Trinity Knepper
- David & Eddie Knepper Playing Soccer
- Casey with Katie Knepper
- Knepper’s House