Thursday, we attended a festival in San Juan. Our team broke into small groups with the goal of praying for the city and talking to people about Jesus. Chelsey, Lizzie and I walked around and said ¨Hola¨ to all the little kids, including three shoe-shine boys. After we passed them, Chelsey said, “Hey guys, I think we should go back and talk to those boys about Jesus.”
Lizzie and I felt skeptical because of the language barrier, but Chelsey convinced us. We walked over and sat down next to them while Chelsey pulled out a Spanish tract and explained God´s love. I was amazed how well Chelsey could communicate with them, and I knew God made it possible. We left the boys feeling satisfied that we made an impact in their lives, and we prayed that God would work through them.

Later, when we met up with everyone else, a loud latin band was playing in the arena. We rounded up some kids to play Pato, Pato, Ganzo (Duck, Duck, Goose). The best part of this was that Griselda, a girl we met at church the day before, came up to us and hugged us. We loved seeing her again! All the kids are so happy to play with us and grateful for what they have.